Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sales Skills For Personal Trainers

If you're a personal trainer you're also a full time salesperson.  How are your selling skills?  Need to sharpen the saw a bit?

Here's an article that will do just that!

Let me know what you think.  I'd be interested in hearing your opinion.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Best Exercise and Workout Music: Mixes and Playlists for your Fitness Routines

Over on Hub Pages (again) you'll find my most recent exercise, fitness and training rambling called (as the title puts it) "The Best Exercise and Workout Music: Mixes and Playlists for your Fitness Routines "

I know there will be some differences of opinion as to the selections but for me that's ok because hopefully this will spur a grand discussion as to what the best training music is and what genera of music goes best with what type of training.

Feel free to take a look at the Hub and chime in over there!